For more than 34 years, OriGroup has been manufacturing detergents, Food like Horlicks and
partnering FMCG products and in markets as in Orissa and Neighboring states.
OriGroup is a fully-integrated Indian Manufacturing company manufacturing detergent of
various SKUs and Horlicks of various SKUs. We are one of the largest manufacturers and
suppliers of detergent to Hindustan Unilever Limited. These are produced right from the
basic stage at manufacturing facilities endorsed by the most discerning QC regulatory
authorities like ISO and many more.
At OriGroup, quality assurance is an attitude of seeking sustainable betterment in every
aspect of our work. The results show in our financials as well as work ethic. During the
last fiscal (2014 –15) the company had a turnover of 153 crore with a profit of 1.43 crore.
What’s more Mr. B. C. Mohanty Managing Director was awarded for his outstanding contribution
in the field of Medium Scale Industries Sector of Odisha by Utkal Chambers of Commerce and
OriGroup was founded by Mr. B. C. Mohanty. OriGroup in April 1990 set up to manufacture
Detergents. OriGroup is headed by Mr. B. C. Mohanty as its Managing Director. Mr. Mohanty
with his able enterpruenal skills and managerial capability looks after the overall
operation of the Unit and is supported by professionally qualified and adequately
experienced Managers/ Executives in respective areas of operations. OriGroup focus on
training and development of workmen mostly from the local areas from agricultural background
in process to have an all round work discipline and developing their skills which has proven
their skill by achieving both Quality and Quantity output.
Consistent focus on enhancing manufacturing capabilities, exploring new avenues for
collaboration in Manufacturing Process by utilizing the proven skills, thrust on Quality,
having an environment-friendly approach and give due importance to Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) by extending generously the hand towards the needy inhabitants of the
nearby communities in particular and to the growth process of ODISHA State in general. In
short OriGroup is proud to have the support of all concerns which has proven itself that
TEAM WORK with dedication and perseverance a common man can attain uncommon result, which
has been established by converting a closed unit to a multi crore business
OriGroup is having an installed capacity of 80000 TPA of Detergents and the capacity
utilization is more than 95% in the current years. OriGroup has generated a Direct
Employment of 282 persons and contributing to the State Exchequer to the tune of
approximately Rs.35 crore towards various Taxes and Duties. OriGroup is certified by